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My work often relates to historical impacts ranging from manufacturing processes to innovative pioneers in the field of art and design. The work applies different perspectives on the relationship between human and object. I search for relevant issues and trends through the eyes of a product designer. So far, the projects have been implemented in various ways: from choreography to functional products, one-off pieces, books, videos, and drawings.

Renée’s work strongly focuses on graphic objects both in shape and pattern. The outcome showcases the encounter of these two with a surprising effect. She begins with finding pattern inspiration from other design fields and applies it to a certain structure. The project with Bureau CAY was a great opportunity to apply her concept to the stool archetype. This way, the pattern on the stool creates new value and imagination for the user that gives a great joy to look at.

“It has challenged me to define parameters of an archetypical stool within my own visual language - followed by a conceptual answer.” - Renée Spanjer

Please find more info about the designer on https://www.reneespanjer.com/ 👀️

🏁️ Evaluation Renée