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1. What inspired and convinced you to work with Bureau CAY?

I saw this project as an opportunity to develop new ideas. And after the talk with Cyrus I saw a lot of potential to test out those new ideas.

2. What part of the briefing got you excited?

The assignment and how Bureau CAY wanted to promote the furniture pieces.

3. Did you find it challenging to come up with a stool concept for the first collection of Bureau CAY?

No, I had this idea already in my head and just waited for the right opportunity to test it out.

4. How did the collaboration go with the creative facilitator of Bureau CAY?

Good, feedback sessions were nice.

5. What are your thoughts of having the idea that Royal CBM is looking at your design and potentially taking it into production?

Exciting, I would like to see if this type of production will fit my work.

6. Any tips for Bureau CAY for starting the next collection?

Have the parameters for the project clear up front.

7. What does Bureau CAY need to improve?

Communication, sometimes it was not clear what was needed when. So maybe make a clear schedule and send this upfront as well or make a shared agenda.

8. Did you like to be a part of a design label and platform that represents a community of designers?


9. Was the timespan of the project realistic?

No, not always but we all managed so it was realistic enough to work with.

10. Would you recommend future collaborative projects of Bureau CAY to other designers?

Yes, you get a new and good opportunity to develop new ideas. The bureau lets you experiment and develop the project freely next to making the whole project presentable for exhibitions and connecting the designers to manufacturers. So, you develop the product, and he makes the connections and exhibitions happen. So, I think that can help a lot of designers.

11. Are you happy with the end result of the stool and do you think there is a potential of growing this concept?

I’m happy with the result. There are still many points to improve but my idea for this project was to test the idea and see how it would turn out in a 1:1 model. So, after this project I’m more than ready to continue the project and that was my goal for this project.